AirSkirts RV Blog, Resources for RVers2024-06-13T11:07:07-04:00

AirSkirts RV Blog: Resources for Beginners, Cold Weather Campers, Full-Timers, & More

RVing Blog – Covering cold weather camping, protecting your RV, RV skirting, RV manufacturers, and more, for RV newbies and seasoned campers alike.


5 Reasons Fall Is AirSkirts Season

Here at AirSkirts, we are gearing up for our busiest season. Fall may be all about falling leaves, pumpkin patches, and Halloween, but it is also the time of year when our customers are most likely to buy our revolutionary camper and RV skirting products. If you are hoping to get your hands on AirSkirts this fall, now is the time to order. Just so you know, RV skirting is useful year-round. It's not just for the winter. Our inflatable skirting keeps the underside of your trailer or motorhome warm, protects your plumbing, and minimizes air flow where you want to avoid it most. All that said, why do so many people wait until this time of year to buy [...]

By |September 12th, 2021|Categories: RV Skirting|0 Comments

Why We Designed AirSkirts Around Air

Why We Designed AirSkirts Around Air Both our company name and the name of our product is a dead giveaway that our skirting is designed around air. What you might not know is why we settled on our revolutionary design. Well, we are going to tell you in this blog post. Needless to say, our patent-pending design is no accident. We put a lot of time and thought into it. Just so you know exactly what we are talking about, AirSkirts RV skirting is an inflatable skirting product that works equally well on all types of RVs and trailers. You just unpack the kit, place each skirt in the right position, and inflate it with the included pump. [...]

By |September 8th, 2021|Categories: AirSkirts News, RV Skirting|0 Comments

The Simple Things Matter – So Your RV Skirting Should Be Simple Too

The Simple Things Matter – So Your RV Skirting Should Be Simple Too We trust you are familiar with the phrase, 'it's the simple things that matter'. We think of it nearly every time a customer relates to us just how simple AirSkirts are to deploy. Simple things really do matter. In light of that, shouldn't your RV skirting be simple as well? We think so. People have a bad habit of unnecessarily complicating things. We can take something as simple as RV skirting and turn it into a complex project that takes hours to complete. On the other hand, we can reduce protecting RV plumbing against cold temperatures to its most basic components and then design something that [...]

By |August 14th, 2021|Categories: AirSkirts News, RV Skirting, RVing for Beginners|0 Comments

How I turned AirSkirts from a simple idea into a successful American small business

When I speak to customers, they’re often interested in the story of how AirSkirts got started, so I thought some of the readers here might be interested as well. I’ll try to keep it brief (but, knowing me, that won’t work out). In 2015 I had been living in New York City for 12 years and working as a software engineer. I had a three-family brownstone in Brooklyn and endless possessions, but something didn’t feel quite right. So, I did what a lot of you have done or are hoping to do – I sold it all and bought a travel trailer (in my case, an Airstream). I hit the road, traveling full time, and I didn’t look back. [...]

By |August 9th, 2021|Categories: AirSkirts News, RV Lifestyle|1 Comment

RV Skirting is an Investment in Your Investment

RV Skirting is an Investment in Your Investment There are lots of ways to frame the purchase of a motorhome, fifth wheel, or travel trailer. For example, a lot of RV owners consider their rigs investments. They may not be investments in the same vein as stocks, bonds, and commodities, but they are investments in quality time. To that end, skirting is an investment in one's RV investment. We are not trying to be confusing here. Rather, we are trying to illustrate the purpose of our revolutionary air-filled skirting in relation to your purchase of an RV. AirSkirts skirting isn't merely a consumer product. It is not a mere accessory with limited value. Rather, skirting improves the investment you [...]

By |August 4th, 2021|Categories: RV Accessories, RV Skirting, Winter RVing|Tags: , |0 Comments

Top 5 Things to Look for In Your New RV Skirting

Top 5 Things to Look for In Your New RV Skirting We assume you are visiting our site because you're looking for RV skirting. At the risk of sounding patronizing, that's a good move. RV skirting protects your investment by preventing frozen pipes and the inevitable damage that comes with them. The big question now is what constitutes a good RV skirting product. We obviously think AirSkirts are your best option. However, we are biased. So don't just take our word for it. Instead, check out these top five things to look for in RV skirting. If you agree that AirSkirts offer all of them, your choice should be easier. 1. Heavy-Duty Construction RV skirting has to withstand considerable [...]

By |June 20th, 2021|Categories: RV Skirting, RVing for Beginners|Tags: , |0 Comments

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